by Jaime on Apr.03, 2006, under Life
So if anyone needs it to rain, just let me know, and I’ll wash my car. For the past 3 Sundays, I have washed my car, and every single Monday it has rained. It rained most of last week, not really clearing up at all till Saturday afternoon. I checked the weather before hand this time, and even though I saw it would rain today and tomorrow, I just couldn’t go another week with my car dirty.
I am still all giddy about my car, but the sad thing is that I got into my old Integra to move it this weekend, and I realized that it doesn’t feel like my car anymore. A very sad moment, take my word for it.
I know I haven’t taken the time to write up the whole car story yet, nor have I posted the pictures that I have already uploaded to my webserver.. my only excuse is Oblivion.. and it is a darn good excuse at that.